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Exercising the rights of Members afforded by Law

What happens when board members go too far acting outside the scope of The Davis Stirling Common Interest Development Act?

Davis-Stirling Act

What triggers are available to hold them accountable when they violate your rights under California Assembly Bill 1410?

Bill Text - AB-1410 Common interest developments. (

What laws protects our freedom of speech and ability to share court records the State of California allows public access?

California Rules of Court: Title Ten Rules

Concerned Citizens for Sunnymead Ranch grew into existence out of need to fight back corruption and behavior outside the scope of duties allowed to board members when they go and have went too far assaulting your civil liberties and rights afforded under these laws. At CC4SMR, we exercise these rights and others afforded by our US Constitution, Supreme Court Precedent California State Law and Court Precedent and common sense governing of homeowner associations. Members shall no longer live in fear of rogue and dictatorial board members when they act outside the confines of their fiduciary duties.

Home: About

New Directors Wanted

Ranchers we have arrived to November 2024 and we are fast approaching your next annual meeting with power to vote out the status quo...

Access Denied for Betrayal

In our last free speech political blog we revealed the long awaited Riddick Foreclosure public records that our investigative journalists...

The October Surprise on Riddick

Ranchers from the great community of sunnymead ranch we must apologize for taking a hiatus to complete our work with our investigative...

We Told You So

Well, well, well ranchers here we are again beginning this edition of our political free speech blog by reminding you about the board...

Another Riddick Failure

Our sources in sunnmyead ranch have sent to us the latest in the series of failures plaguing our community and this one is another...

Budget 101 - Your Real Costs

The annual budget for 2024 was released by the Riddick board recently with many of you taking to social media to express your disgust...

Riddick Strikes Out Again

We cannot stress enough how thankful the Concerned Citizens for Sunnymead Ranch are for the homeowners that stand up for their neighbors...

The Forensic Audit

Any time the discussion comes up in sunnymead ranch the need for a forensic audit why is it that the Riddick mouthpieces and now Riddick...

Sunnymead Ranch Memes

Can anyone present to the Concerned Citizens for Sunnymead Ranch a better method to portray the thoughts and feelings of the neighborhood...

Zero Transparency

For all the announcements and information that the Riddick board members purportedly send out per our sources suddenly in 2024 where are...

Neighbor 2 Neighbor Event

There are no greater functions than to meet with your neighbors and talk about common issues with common goals and in the case of...

Morrison vs Sunnymead Ranch Update

The small claims court date is fast approaching for Morrison vs Sunnymead Ranch and the timing of the Riddick board of directors' actions...

The Better Business Bureau

How many sunnymead ranch homeowners since the HOA election of 2024 have fallen victim to the incompetent bias and pandering from the...

Earning A Living?

If we told you for every comment made by the Riddick mouthpieces on nextdoor or facebook they were channeling what Riddick and the...

The Riddick Revenge Tour

Is it no surprise that the Riddick Revenge Tour took off right after the election when ranchers who did not vote for Riddick's board...

Taking Back Sunnymead Ranch

As sunnymead ranch approaches the cancellation of the summer camp weekend things continue to come into our radar with pissed off...

Still Running The Show

Sunnymead ranch homeowners that still care post election 2024 who still read social media and follow this page. Are you satisfied that...

The Farewell Tour

With the super sunday edition of the Concerned Citizens for Sunnymead Ranch comes with many responsibilities and notably the latest...

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